Report Insurance Companies Refusing to Pay Claim?

Have you ever asked yourself how you can deal with a particular Insurance Company that is delaying or has refused to pay your claim or compensation? What you should know is that, it is not in all cases that Insurance Companies must accept your claim and pay. The notable instances in motor accidents are where:

  1. The driver of the vehicle registered with that Insurance Company, was not licensed or did not have a driver’s license, at the time of the accident;
  2. The vehicle registered with that Insurance Company, was not roadworthy or did not have a roadworthy certificate, at the time of the accident; 
  3. The driver of the vehicle was not at fault or was not the cause of the accident; 

Insurance Companies are in the habit of delaying or refusing to pay compensation claims at all cost. Just like banks, their interest is in getting people to deposit their monies with them, but not happy when these same people turn to withdraw some or all of their monies.

What most people do not know or may not be aware of is that, all Insurance companies are regulated or governed by the National Insurance Commission (NIC), and it is to the Chairman of the NIC that one can petition, or report Insurance Companies for unjustifiable refusal or delay of compensation claims.

When your claim is unjustifiably denied or unnecessarily delayed by any insurance company, you just petition the Chairman of the NIC, with details of all your plight. A meeting between yourself, the Chairman and the said Insurance Company will be scheduled by the chairman of the NIC .

At the meeting you should make your case clear, and the chairman of the NIC shall make orders directed at the Insurance Company to pay your compensation within a specified time or period.

Where you are deemed not entitled to any compensation from any of the Insurance Companies of the vehicles involved in the accident, especially where the drivers are not licensed drivers or where the vehicles causing the accident are not roadworthy, all you have to do is to petition the Commissioner of the NIC for compensation to be paid you from the Motor Compensation Fund.

In all instances, you are advised to petition through your lawyer, for the achievement of maximum results and adequate compensation.

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