
S 294 the following punishments inflicted death-treason, murder, subversion, not on juveniles and pregnant women; imprisonment-1st degree max of life imprison, law say offence is felony but no specifics then 2nd degree dishonesty offences like stealing, falsification max of 25 years and if no specifics max of 10 years, misdemeanors max of 3 years.

If pregnant woman convicted of non-capital offence be given custodial sentence or suspended sentence i.e. no imprisonment the next 5 years if commits no offence in next 2 years per S 313A as amended, sentence begins on day of pronouncement of judgement so if given one day served after court rises for the day per S 315; detention-especially upon conviction of insane person; fine-S 317 sentence may be imposed in lieu of fine or distress warrant for sale of immovable; payment of compensation- doesn’t prevent victim from instituting action for damages though compensation will be taken into previous consideration taken into consideration; liability to police supervision-put on probation. S 298 consequence for serving term of 3 years’ imprisonment or more are any public office held be vacant and any emolument forfeited but doesn’t apply to juvenile offenders.

S 302 Concurrent Sentence-where a person after conviction for a criminal offence is convicted of a different criminal offence, before sentence is passed on that person under the first conviction or before the expiration of that sentence, a sentence which is passed on that person under the subsequent conviction, shall be executed after the expiration of the first sentence, unless the Court directs that it shall be executed concurrently with the first sentence or a part of it.

S 303 Consecutive sentences-the Court may pass on a person convicted, at one or more trials of any two or more offences, a separate sentence in respect of which section 302 imposes certain restrictions in regard to punishment, and the separate sentences, if sentences of imprisonment, shall run concurrently and not consecutively, and, if sentences of fines, shall not operate in a manner that imposes the fines cumulatively. Subsection (1) is without prejudice to section 302.

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