Institution of Criminal Proceedings

By arraigning person before court on charge sheet or by summons (which is a doc in duplicate by magistrate or court officer as CJ may direct on a person to appear on a time and date) or by warrant (issued in suspect upon refusal to attend court on a summons, issued at any time including Sundays and could also be issued outside jurisdiction and remains in force until executed or cancelled by the court)
Complaint on oath and applying for summons stating name, charge, court, time, etc. or warrant to compel appearance S 61. After summons police take over, Hemans v Coffie police aren’t debt collectors to arrest wife when looking for husband or son when looking for father.Summons is order requiring one to attend court. Warrant is court order for the arrest of a person to be brought before court.

Police Enquiry Bail to accused to be attending court on specified date.

Bringing accused before court on charge sheet S 60.

Magistrate arresting in presence or order another to arrest and commit to custody S 17.

S 170 Trial in Absence of accused, by motion on notice by prosecution for trial in absentia supported by affidavit, court may grant and proceed unless charge is a felony upon failure to appear on adjournment. Conviction may be set aside where absence wasn’t intentional but beyond circumstances.

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