Legal Notes

Legal Notes are summaries of important legal concepts, principles, and rules. They provide a quick reference guide for lawyers, law students, and legal professionals to understand complex legal issues. Here are some Legal Notes on various topics:

– Contract Law: A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. Essential elements include offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, and capacity to contract.

– Tort Law: Tort is a civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person. Key concepts include negligence, duty of care, breach, causation, and damages.

– Criminal Law: Criminal law deals with offenses against the state or society. Important concepts include mens rea (guilty mind), actus reus (guilty act), and strict liability.

– Family Law: Family law governs relationships between family members. Key concepts include marriage, divorce, child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance.

– Property Law: Property law deals with ownership and possession of property. Important concepts include real property, personal property, freehold, leasehold, and easements.

– Evidence Law: Evidence law governs the admissibility of evidence in court. Key concepts include relevance, reliability, hearsay, and privilege.

– Company Law: Company law regulates the incorporation, management, and winding up of companies. Important concepts include incorporation, shares, directors, and shareholders.

– Tax Law: Tax law governs the imposition and collection of taxes. Key concepts include income tax, capital gains tax, value-added tax, and tax deductions.


Commences by filing notice of appeal containing grounds of appeal at registry of court giving judgement and registrar prepare a record of appeal, parties to the action and persons not parties but adversely affected by judgement may appeal, party in whose favour judgement is given can cross-appeal for variation, termed application to vary judgement and

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O 42 person aggrieved by CC or HC decision shall apply to judge who gave judgement or order for review, order shouldn’t be subject of an appeal, by originating motion supported by affidavit stating grounds, discovery of new matter or evidence which after due diligence wasn’t within one’s knowledge or couldn’t be produced at time

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O 33 & 34Conducted by hearing parties and their witnesses, planned during application for directions, court determine place, mode of trial, issues for trial or order determination of issues of law and mixed law and fact separately before main trial, fix date within which registrar is to fix case for hearing, registrar serves parties hearing

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O 19 made in course of pending proceedings, commonly called interlocutory applications, follow events in proceedings and entitles one to relief in respect thereof, contentious application made in open court whilst non-contentious in chambers since no arguments. Applications are made through motions Motions: application to court for order directing something to be done in applicant’s

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O 16 Party may amend pleading without leave before pleadings end and served on all parties on other side, after pleadings close amend with leave which is in court’s discretion. Party bound by his pleadings whether an error detected or new facts discovered. O 81r1 allows amendment for non-compliance with rules and O 4 amendment

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