Author name: The Legal Solicitor


WHAT IS AN OFFER? In NTHC v Antwi, Date-Bah JSC defined an offer as ‘an indication in words or by conduct by an offeror that he or she is prepared to be bound by a contract in the terms expressed in the offer, if the offeree communicates to the offeror his or her acceptance of

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Two principal concerns 1. Constitutional Interpretation 2. Statutory Interpretation STATUTORY INTERPRETATION While Parliament may make laws, judges interpret them. The operation of the court process may therefore be of great significance in the manner in which an Act operates. In fulfilling their task of applying the law to the facts before them, the courts frequently

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Section 135 of the ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ACT (Act 798) defines the concept Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as the collective description of methods of resolving disputes otherwise than through the normal trial process. This system of adjudication has been part of the traditional dispute resolution process well before the advent of colonialism. Sections 72 and

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Human Rights

WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS? According to Lauterpacht, “Human rights are universal rights or enabling qualities attaching to the human being. These qualities follow from the realization that as a matter of scientific fact, man is distinguishable from other living beings because he is a rational and moral person who must shape his life in accordance

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