Act 29 Offences

Robbery – Section 149(1)
Dishonestly Receiving – Section 148(1)
Defilement – Section 101
Falsification of Accounts–Section 140
Escape from lawful custody – Section 226
Dishonestly Receiving Property – Section 146
Rape – Section 97
Deceit of Public Officer – Section 251
Stealing – Section 124(1)
Conspiracy – Section 23(1)
Murder – Section 46
Attempt – Section 18
Preparation – Section 19
Abetment – 20(2)
Causing Damage to property – Section 84
Assault – Section172

A charge may be either Abetment or conspiracy in respect of a particular offence and both can’t be charge on on the same substantive offence against the same accused person.

In criminal cases drafts, –COURT CASE NO. -not SUIT NO. as that is in civil cases.

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